Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Talent Or No Talent?

I'm a musician. And because I am I feel that I have a duty to point out when other musicians do or do not have talent. I find that I am pointing out lack of talent on a more regular basis, and I am sorry to say that sometimes, maybe a little to hastily. In the past I have been pretty judgemental of "Boy Bands" like Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, and Nsync. I gave them little or no credit for any talent and I sometimes laughed, sympathetically, at there fans. There music's subject matter, which is geared towards teenage girls, hardly ever interested me and I sometimes thought their singing might improve with the deletion of their dancing. Well, I'm here to correct myself. I do recognize talent and I definitely point it out when I find it in the strangest of places. Believe it or not I was wrong about Nsync. They have a rendition, a capella no less, of O Holy Night that brings tears to my eyes. This song not only proves that they have serious talent, but also how much time they put into rehearsing. The perfect blending of their voices is an achievement that only singers who have sung together for many years can accomplish. If you have ever scoffed at a Boy Band or if you just appreciate musical talent then click on the link I've attached and you'll be taken to a page where the song should start automatically. Enjoy:) http://ex2000.imeem.com/music/d3qFa4VC/o_holy_night/


J Crew said...

I'll have to listen to that when I get a chance.

Peter Brown said...

I can't listen to it here, because of my browser, but I will when I can.

I agree with you in that I would have trouble admitting that N'sync has talent. This will be a bitter pill to swallow. :)

Roberta said...

It is. And they do. Listen and learn. I know I did.

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful version, I don't think the boys ever lacked talent, just the right marketing. Of course they were a huge success so maybe their marketing was correct, for some......