Saturday, December 16, 2006

On The Band Wagon

Ok, so here it is. My first blog. I really had no idea what a blog even was for the longest time. But before I knew it everybody was doing it, and gosh darnit, I was feeling a little left out. I knew I must be way behind if my mother was already with the program. So here's to you mom, I never thought I'd see the day that you'd surpass me in technological savvyness :) Alright, that's about it for now, I'll leave you with the glorious sight of my xmas tree since it is the holiday season.


Roberta said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! The tree looks good, Gen. Can't wait to see it in person!

Peter Brown said...

Another convert sucked into blogging. Welcome to the fray!

J Crew said...

Nice work Gen. I like it soldier

Anonymous said...

Hi Genny,

I just started myself, I still have technical issues, but I am working on them. my site is

Your tree is beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, I will miss you all.....